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Biosensors shape the world we live in today, although many are not aware of what exactly biosensors are. So, what are biosensors and why are they important? 

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"Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world"

-Louis Pasteur



The use of dogs for sniffing out bombs first started in the 1940s. A dog's acute sense of smell is used in order to condition and alter their being to detect these bombs, saving thousands, if not millions, of lives. 



Tumor painting, a biosensor that binds to cancerous tumors and lights up on a screen, has recently been used during the surgeries of many patients, and more advancements are underway to bettering cancer studies.



The biosensor that Nicholas Dale is holding was created with the purpose of detecting a certain compound, called purine, that when in excess, is a symptom of a cerebral emergency, in other words, a stroke.

Biosensors have many uses in the world, but did you know these?

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